Privacy Policy for Dice Roller Android App


At Dice Roller, we respect and prioritize the privacy of our users. This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle user data for our Dice Roller Android App.


Information Collection:

We want to assure you that we DO NOT collect any personal information, statistics, or data from our users. When you use our Dice Roller Android App, we do not request access to any sensitive data on your device, and we do not track or store any user-related information.


Device Permissions:

Our Dice Roller Android App does not require any special permissions on your device. It operates solely within the app itself and does not interact with other apps or services on your device.


Ads and Third-Party Services:

To maintain a completely ad-free experience and protect your privacy, our app does not use any third-party services or analytics tools that may collect user data.


Cookies and Similar Technologies:

Our Dice Roller Android App does not use cookies or any other similar technologies to track user activity or behaviour.


Data Security:

While we do not collect any user information, we still take data security seriously. We use industry-standard security measures to protect our app and the limited data it may process during normal usage.


Updates to the Privacy Policy:

If any changes are made to this Privacy Policy in the future, we will update the date of the last revision at the top of this page. It is recommended to review this policy periodically to stay informed about how we are protecting your privacy.


Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or our Dice Roller Android App, please feel free to contact us at


By using our Dice Roller Android App, you acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.


Last updated: 3rd Aug, 2023


Apurba Khanra
